Top Tech sources to follow to do your technology watch

technology watch

Whether you are a web or mobile developer , data scientist, web designer or IT project manager, carrying out a regular technological watch is essential in your IT profession . And for it to be effective, we share with you in this article the best sources to follow according to our collaborators.

Top sources for technology watch

How to do technology watch?

It should be noted that technology watch is a process to be carried out over the long term, dedicating time to it on a regular basis. For an idea of ​​frequency, our employees do it on average on a daily or weekly basis .

This can be carried out in total autonomy, but also favored by the systems put in place in your company.

The main means and tools to carry out your monitoring are:

Attend conferences , Meetups or other professional events

> Find the calendar of the main 2022 tech events and the replay of our Meetups on our Youtube channel

Participate in face-to-face or online training , watch online tutorials ( Openclassrooms , Coursera , Udemy , Frontend Masters , , , …)

> Find the list of Tech accounts on Twitch

Follow the news and publications of media, people, companies or communities via their site/blog or their social networks.

For this you can also subscribe directly to newsletters or use RSS feeds that aggregate the content of the actors followed.

Taking the time and using the right tools and the right channels, however, are not enough to carry out effective monitoring. For that, you still need to have the right sources and good targeting, to obtain relevant information and not to drown in the flow of available information.

What are the Tech sources to follow to do your technology watch?

To find their way through the mass of online information, our employees share the list of the main tech information sources they follow to carry out their technology watch.

This is not an exhaustive list, but a selection of recognized actors, to follow on social networks and/or via their blog/site.

All trades combined, the two main media consulted to carry out its technology watch are Twitter and Medium (possibility of searching by keyword and subscribing to keywords to be notified of new corresponding articles).

And as other main media consulted, we also find: Presse citron , Reddit , HackerNews , Product Hunt , Le journal du geek and discussions on Discord .

Web development

With regard to web development, you will find relevant information for your technology watch by following the following sources (some sources are cross-functional and can also be useful for other tech jobs):

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